



Friday, February 27, 2009

Somebody or Nobody

As human standard, we look at one's stature as basis of respect & recognition. The higher the achievement or the bigger the bank deposit a person has, the bigger the respect & recognition we pay. Could we not notice when the president of the company passes by on us? As if we're statue who could behave so much, vow as a sign of so much respect, greets decently as a sign of so much recognition & speaks gently as a sign of so much high regard to that person.

But let's check ourselves when we go out after office hours. Do we pay attention to behave, vow, greet, these elderly whom we meet in the public places? No! On the contrary, we could not even give our hands to help a housewife who's struggling to carry her baskets. Why? Nothing! What's your problem! Or some may say, "Hello, you want me to carry that filthy basket? Don't you know how much is my G2000 suit? If you want, do it by yourself!"

See, how critical we are to the least of our brethren!

But w/ Jesus, He never looks on what we are & who we are. With equal importance & high regard, He treated us w/ so much love because we're somebody to Him. The Cross of Death speaks how much He regards us as SOMEBODY.

Some might react like, "C'mon, if Jesus treats me as somebody, why did He allow to murder my family defenseless? Why did He ignore our sufferings?"

In all crisis are the most unfair moment that we use to attack God putting our blame on Him for every misfortune we are in. Why not ask ourselves like, "Where did I fall short? What should I do to prevent the same crisis? What God wants me to to learn in this crisis?

Crisis will never happen w/o its roots. It's either we have transgressed people from the past or we've been complacent & careless in all our actions w/c compromise our security.

Number 14:18 The Lord is slow to anger & rich in kindness, forgiving wickedness & crime; yet not declaring the guilty guiltless, but punishing children to the third & fourth generation for there fathers' wickedness.

Exodus 20:6 God bestows mercy down to the thousandth generation on the children of those who love Me & keep My commandments.

Nevertheless, we learn deeply in all the crisis whether it is by accident done by our neighbor or through our negligence. Everything will serve as an eye-opener not only for us but for all the rest of our neighbors. Because both the crisis & victories that we & others have experienced can be reminder & motivation for us to continue growing in terms of love for us to be somebody who can be depended on not only by our family but by our neighbors.

James 2:1-4 My brothers show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. For if a man w/ gold rings on his fingers & in fine clothes comes into your assembly, & a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, & you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes & say "Sit here, please", while you say to the poor one, "Stand there", or "Sit at my feet," have you not made distinctions among yourselves & become judges w/ evil designs?

James 2:8-10 However, if you fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself", you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you commit sin, & are convicted by the law as transgressors! For whoever keeps the whole law, but falls short in one particular, has become guilty in respect to all of it.

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