



Thursday, August 20, 2015

Hygiene Talk: Rinsing men’s & women’s private parts with warm water prevents from unpleasant odor!

Each woman has her own smell and an amount of discharge that varies with her menstrual cycle. Vagina produces fluids in response to sexual arousal and physical activity, which is noticeable on slight staining of underwear that is white or yellowish and a distinct, but not bad odour. This is normal, otherwise, a medical advice is sought when normal condition changes. 

Generally, vaginal irritation can be avoided by keeping genital area dry and well aired, which can be done in the following methods: 
  • Wear only cotton underwear.
  • Regular changing of pads and tampons for at least every 4-8 hours.
  • Refrain from using vaginal sprays and deodorants.
  • Avoid using scented pads and tampons.
  • Experiment alternatives on using pads and tampons.
  • Get rid of damp swim wear and sports clothes as urgent as possible.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes and synthetic materials.
  • Wipe from front to back after urination or bowel movement.
  • Refrain from long exposure on hot sweaty conditions like saunas and aerobics. 

See a doctor if the following symptoms are experienced: 
  • Itching
  • Irritation or soreness
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Increased or abnormal discharge
  • Labia swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Painful intercourse (for married)
  • Foul odour
  • Abdominal pain 

Never make an attempt to perform self diagnose as some of the above-mentioned may be symptoms of conditions that need medication, other may be minor. Once overlooked, certain conditions can develop future health problems. 

Not all vaginal infections are similar and home treatments can aggravate some types.

Vaginal infections take place when bacteria, funguses or other organisms grow unmanaged. Certain organisms already subsist in the vagina and are kept at healthy levels by coexisting with other organisms. Infectious organisms can also be brought in by improper hygiene or unsafe contact.

Further, vulvar care tips can be observed as detailed below: 
  • Wash vulva (the entrance to vagina) daily with warm water.
  • Avoid using scented soaps. Other women uncover that using any soap at all can be irritating.
  • Dry thoroughly with a clean towel. Once extremely irritated, try drying it with a blow dryer set on cool.
  • Wear only white, 100 percent cotton underwear than nylon, acetate, or other manmade fibers.
  • Avoid wearing thongs.
  • Rinse underwear carefully after washing, or double-rinse.
  • Wash new underwear before wearing.
  • Use a mild soap for washing underwear. Do not use detergents or fabric softeners
  • Use soft toilet tissue (white only).
  • When controlling menstrual bleeding, use tampons instead of sanitary napkins. Avoid using deodorant tampons. Refrain from leaving tampons in for a long period, due to toxic_shock_syndrome Avoid leaving tampons in overnight.
  • Don't scratch.
  • Do not use nylon pantyhose or panty girdles, as these trap heat and moisture, giving an ideal breeding environment for organisms. Wear cotton or nylons with a cotton panty if nylons or leggings are required.
  • Feminine hygiene products like sanitary pads, feminine spray and deodorants, Vaseline, oils, greases, bubble baths, bath oils, talc, or powder can irritate the vulva. 

On the other hand, when it comes to men's hygiene, they are encouraged to softly wash the sexual organ with warm water each day when taking a shower. For men with foreskin, pull it back softly and rinse underneath.

Smegma (a cheesy-looking substance)is accumulated once the underneath of the foreskin is not washed correctly. It is found on the head of the penis and under the foreskin which is a natural lubricant that keeps the penis moist. If accumulated in the foreskin, it can start to smell, stop easily pulling the foreskin back, turning it to be a breeding ground for bacteria. This can cause redness and swelling of the head of your penis, called balanitis.

According to Patrick French, a consultant physician in sexual health claims that by not cleaning the underneath of the foreskin could regularly develop complications and turn off to partner as well.

The young boy’s or baby’s foreskin might still be attached to the head of the penis and will therefore not retract fully, so never attempt to forcefully pull it back as this could be painful and cause harm. There's no need to clean inside their foreskin at this stage of development. 

Circumcised men should gently wash it with warm water once a day.

After a bath, be extra attentive at least monthly to check for unusual lumps or swellings.

As a caution, the information provided herewith is not intended to replace the medical advice or health care provider, but as significant tips on suitable hygiene for both men and women.

Romans 12:1 I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.

Along with man’s perseverance to function as a good Christian through faith, hygiene is equally important as it is another factor of developing that being “pleasing to God” by valuing His physical provision.

In conclusion, good hygiene not only helps preserving a healthy personality but likewise consequently cheers up one’s soul as the Scripture says, "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul" (3 John 1:2). 

  1. Sushil Patil, Sociologist,  How does personal hygiene affect your personality? 
  2., Keeping Your Vagina Healthy 
  3., Vulvar Care 
  4., The New American Bible

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