



Sunday, November 8, 2015

Silent Terrorism: World Health Organization calculation of abortions at 40-50 million annual cases outstrips World Wars I & II death toll!

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions,[1] an approximately 125,000 murdering of helpless creatures per day, a silent terrorism which is even cruel than World Wars I and II combined which is approximated with 50 million deaths (Battle Deaths 15,000,000; Battle Wounded 25,000,000 Civilian Deaths 45,000,000) whereas killing of babies are still counting day and day out, an act which is abominable in the eyes of God (Matthew 19:18 ; Ephesians 4:31Matthew 22:39-40); Romans 13:9) 

In developing countries, unsafe abortions are the leading cause of death,[2] accounting for 15% of maternal deaths across the globe. Unsafe abortions result in seven million women requiring treatment for complications happening annually, with Pakistan having the highest rate of unsafe practicess. 

Carol Everett, director of four clinics (two of which were owned by her), who was involved in the abortion industry in the Dallas, Texas, area from 1977 to 1983was responsible for the clinics' daily operation and who had an abortion soon after it was legalized in 1973,  speaks out on what she saw in the abortion industry. She says that the governing force behind the abortion industry is money. It is a very profitable business and the largest unregulated industry in the nation. Most of the clinics are run in chains because it is so money-spinning.

According to her, women are deceived in abortion. Every woman has two questions, "Is it a baby?" and "Does it hurt," which the abortionist must answer with a lie "NO to secure the sanction of the woman and the generation of the clinic's fee. The women were told that they were dealing with a "product of conception" or a "glob of tissue” and told that there would be only slight cramping, where in fact, an abortion is excruciatingly painful.

The abortionist who’s now a pro-lie says that there’s no real counseling being offered at the clinics but rather sold abortion

She said that an aborted baby is disposed by putting them down in the garbage disposal. Some second and third trimester babies' muscle structure is so strong that the baby would not fall to bits, so they must be disposed of through trash receptacles.

She added that abortion in the last 18 months that she was in the business, they were completing over 500 abortions monthly and killing or maiming one woman out of 500. Common complications that occur are perforations or tears in the uterus. Many of those result in hysterectomies   The doctor might cut or harm the urinary tract, which subsequently requires surgical repair. A complication that is rarely made known is the one in which the doctor perforates the uterus and pulls the bowels through the vagina, resulting in colostomy. Some of those can be reversed, some must live with the colostomy for the remainder of their lives.

Everett decided to get out of the abortion business when she experienced a profoundly religious transformation. At about the time she doubted, a Dallas television station did an expose revealing the abortions performed at her clinic on non-pregnant women - all for money! She finally realized, that as abortionists they weren't helping women but destroying them - and their children. By then her conversion was complete knowing that she not only had to stop being involved with abortions, but she had to help promote the truth.

Former abortionist, Bernard N. Nathanson, M.D., the son of a distinguished medical practitioner and professor who specialized in obstetrics and gynecology, was once a pioneer and a leader in the "abortion industry, had his first engagement with abortion as a medical student at McGill University in Montreal. 

Having impregnated a girlfriend, he set up and paid for her illegal abortion. Many years later, he would mark this episode as his “preliminary excursion into the satanic world of abortion.” He would become a nearly obsessed crusader for abortion and campaigner for its legalization turning him to be an abortionist.

He officiated more than 60,000 abortions[3] as Director of the Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health, personally coached medical students and practitioners in carrying out about 15,000 more, and performed 5,000 abortions himself before undergoing a drastic change. In one of those abortions, he took the life of his own son or daughter - a child conceived with a girlfriend after he had set up his medical practice. In his touching autobiography The Hand of God (1996), Nathanson acknowledged his deep regret on his cruelty in performing abortion. 

In the mid-1960s, with the sexual revolution thundering after Alfred Kinsey’s fraudulent but influential “scientific” studies of sex and sexuality in America, Hugh Hefner’s aggressive campaign to legalize pornography and, perhaps above all, the wide distribution of the anovulant birth control pill, Nathanson turned to be a leader in the movement to topple laws forbidding abortion. He co-founded the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (NARAL), which later became the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and is now NARAL Pro-Choice America. It aimed to get rid of the cultural disgrace on abortion, eradicate all meaningful legal restrictions on it, and make it as broadly available as possible across the nation and the globe.

Attaining these objectives, Nathanson later divulged that he and fellow abortion crusaders practiced dubious and in some cases openly deceitful strategies. First, they promoted the idea that abortion is a medical issue than moral, persuading people of the rather obvious falsehood that a normal pregnancy is a natural and healthy condition if the mother wants her baby and a disease if otherwise. The point of medicine, to conserve and restore health, had to be changed as giving health care consumers what they happen to want; and the Hippocratic Oath's  explicit prohibition of abortion had to be eradicated. In the end, Nathanson and his collaborators succeeded in selling this propaganda to a small but extraordinarily powerful group of men: in the 1983 case of Roe V. Wade, seven Supreme Court justices led by Harry Blackmun, former counsel to the American Medical Association, nullified virtually all state laws giving meaningful protection for unborn children on the ground that abortion is a “private choice” to be made by women and their doctors.

Second, Nathanson and his friends lied incessantly and enormously concerning the number of women who died yearly from illegal abortions. Their area of play to voters, lawmakers, and judges was that women are going to seek abortion in roughly uniform figures whether it is legal or not.

Third, the early advocates of abortion deliberately exploited anti-Catholic hostility among liberal elites and many ordinary Protestants at the time to show resistance to abortion as a “religious dogma” that the Catholic hierarchy sought to enforce on others in violation of their freedom and the separation of church and state.

Despite the irrefutable historical fact that proscription of abortion were rooted in English common law and bolstered and expanded by statutes enacted across the United States by tremendously Protestant majorities in the 19th century, Nathanson and other abortion movement leaders decided that the Catholic Church was flawless for the role of liberty-extinguishing tormenter. Its male priesthood and authority structure would make it easy for them to show the Church’s resistance to abortion as hatred of women, for which concern to protect unborn babies was a mere ploy. Being adamant, the Church’s real intention was to limit women’s freedom in order to hold them in positions of extreme compliance.

Fourth, the abortion group urge the conservatives and liberals alike by promoting expulsion of fetus as a method of combating impoverishment. Initially, Nathanson himself believed that legal abortion and its public funding would reduce out-of-wedlock childbearing and poverty, though he remained endorsing this tale after the total weight of facts compelled him to disbelieve this pretence that blinded him.

Over the years, while performing abortions for what he looked upon as rightful “health” reasons, Nathanson started transformation by the advent  of new technologies, especially fetoscopy and ultrasound, that made it increasingly difficult, and finally impossible, to deny that abortion is the intentional killing of a unique human being - a child in the mother’s womb.

By 1980, the weight of confirmation in favor of the pro-life position had overpowered Nathanson and ejected him from abortion practice. Soon he advocated the fight against abortion and exposed to the world the lies of abortion.

In fact in 1985, Nathanson provided the new fetal imaging technology to create a documentary film, “The Silent Scream,” (as shown below) which uplifted the pro-life movement and threw the pro-choice side onto the defensive by presenting graphic detail the killing of a twelve-week-old fetus in a suction abortion.

President Ronald Reagan showed the film in the White House and hyped it in speeches.  Like Nathanson, Reagan, who had signed one of the first abortion-legalization bills when he was Governor of California, was a zealous convert to the pro-life cause. During his term as president, Reagan wrote and published a powerful pro-life book Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation which Nathanson affirmed for telling the truth about the life of the child in the womb and the injustice of abortion.

With the scientific facts and generally accepted principles of the rights and dignity of the human person as a conduit for his enlightenment, Nathanson was slowly drawn to faith in God and ultimately to Catholicism by the moral witness of the advocates among his newfound pals in the struggle for the unborn.  He was baptized and received into the Catholic Church in 1996. He was “like St. Paul, who was a great persecutor of the Church, yet when he saw the light of Christ, he was perhaps the greatest apostle for the Gospel (Acts 9:1-31). Dr. Nathanson was similar to that after his conversion and went all around the world talking about the babies and the evils of abortion.” 


[1], Former Abortionists Speak Out 
[2] Hannah Osborne, ShoutYourAbortion: Pregnancy termination has transformed women's lives and should be celebrated   
[3] Robert P. George, Bernard Nathanson: A Life Transformed by Truth, February 27th, 2011,

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