



Friday, January 15, 2016

A number of people are not exhausted on grabbing Pope’s significant messages which are chopped and distorted for them to appear a blatant lie

Exodus 20:16"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Matthew 5:37 Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.' Anything more is from the evil one.

The commandment that unequivocally forbids a grave type of lying: lying under oath ‘against’ neighbor, a mortal sin due to the gravity of perjury and of causing grave harm to neighbor, also implicitly forbids all lying, even when the act is only a venial sin[1]. 

Some people outside of Catholic are not exhausted of taking chopped Pope’s statement, distort its context so they appear disparaging and a blatant lie and parade it on social network.  Just today I’ve got this Facebook post with these messages:

DISTORTED MESSAGE:  Feast of the Holy Family in Vatican , said Jesus had to beg forgiveness from His parents when He got lost at the temple as a child.  This implies that Jesus committed a sin.  That is contrary to the Bible because the Bible says that Jesus led a sinless lie.

ACCURATE MESSAGE: Pope Francis on the Feast of the Holy Family last December 27, 2015 reflected on the power of forgiveness in families and compared everyday family life to a constant pilgrimage of prayer and love.

Taken from the Gospel of Luke, Pope Francis reflected on the young Jesus who stayed in Jerusalem in Jerusalem in the Temple which caused to Mary and Joseph when they could not trace His whereabouts.

“For this little ‘escapade,’ Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of His parents,” the Pope suggested. “The Gospel doesn’t say this, but I believe that we can presume it.”

The Pope exclaimed that Mary’s question to Jesus,[2] “Why have you treated us like this?” contains “has a specific admonition, bringing to light the concern and anguish which she and Joseph felt.” The Pope added that Jesus “surely remained close” to Mary and Joseph as a sign of His “complete affection and obedience.” (Luke 2:41-52) 

DISTORTED MESSAGE: The Pope has also made a controversial statement in the past, saying that the Bible is a highly dangerous book and that Jesus’ life ended in failure. 

ACCURATE MESSAGE: To start a plenary meeting,  Pope Francis addresses attendees in the opening ceremony to start a of the United Nations Sustainabe Development Summit 2015 held at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan, New York last September 25, 2015.

He says the Bible is "a highly dangerous book" attributing to the fact that several people in the world are arrested or killed for possessing the book.
The Pope stresses that "The Bible is therefore a highly dangerous book  - so dangerous that you are treated in some countries as if you were hiding hand grenades in your closet"[3]  

On the other hand, Pope Francis addresses St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and told the parishioners that Jesus’ human life ended in the failure of the cross.[4] 

Pope Francis connotes that from an exterior, human stand point, Jesus' death might appear like He was a failure, but not so from God's position.

To give more emphasis, at the time of salvific account, people expected the Messiah to lead a victorious rebellion against the Romans, re-establish political autonomy to Israel and reign in Jerusalem as a Davidic king, which the Lord did not. Taken from this act, Jesus looked like a failed political revolutionary from mans’ point of view, but from God's perspective Jesus has been victorious with His destiny.

DISTORTED MESSAGE:  The Pope has even spoken out about  fundamentalism (including Christian fundamentalism) a number of times.  Christian fundamentalism is the belief that the Bible should be interpreted literally.  What does this all mean?

ACCURATE MESSAGE: In an inflight press conference on the way back to Rome after a  three-country tour of Africa, Pope Francis criticized “fundamentalists” within the Church (without pointing to a particular religion outside of Catholic).
Pope Francis when interviewed concerning religious fundamentalism, in the light of the attacks by ISIS terrorists on Paris say that “we are all God’s children, we all have the same Father… we need to live peacefully alongside one another, develop friendships.”[5]

The pontiff says “Fundamentalism is a sickness that is in all religions.  We Catholics have some - and not some, many -  who believe they possess the absolute truth and go ahead dirtying the other with calumny, with disinformation, and doing evil. They do evil. I say this because it is my Church.”

He added that “religious fundamentalism isn’t religion, it is idolatry,” and that ideas and false certainties take the place of faith, love of God and love of others.

“You cannot cancel a whole religion because there is a group or many groups of fundamentalists at certain moments of history,” the Pope said. 

He said that “religious fundamentalism isn’t religion, it’s idolatry,” adding that ideas and false certainties take the place of faith, love of God and love of others.

“You cannot cancel a whole religion because there is a group or many groups of fundamentalists at certain moments of history,” the Pope said.

[1] (Ronald L. Conte Jr., Roman Catholic theologian and Bible translator,   
[2] Pope Francis to families: forgive each other and journey together towards God,
[3] Michael Gryboski , Pope Francis Says the Bible Is a 'Highly Dangerous Book'
[4] Jessilyn Justice, Pope Francis: Jesus' Life 'Ended in Failure'
[5] Pope Francis criticises ‘fundamentalist’ Catholics,

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