



Thursday, November 27, 2014

Creationism & Erroneous Theory of the “Big Bang” as Spawn of the “Apes and Man”


Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton, scientist from University of North Carolina unveils of a mathematical proof that black holes as illustrated in the succeeding page  can't exist stating that it is impossible for stars to collapse and form a singularity. Previously, scientists thought stars larger than the sun collapsed under their own gravity and formed black holes as they died.

The mass concentration theory would remain forever bound as a universal black hole which expansion is prevented by gravity.

A black hole is at the center of at least every nearby galaxy. Black holes are so enormous that nothing can escape their gravity - even light. Astronomers divulge that black holes must have existed very soon after the universe started, the big bang theory exclaims that all matter was spread out uniformly after 300,000 years, before stars developed. This uniformity would prevent gravity from forming galaxies and black holes even over the alleged age of the universe. Nevertheless, stars and black holes could easily have developed or existed soon after the creation of matter and the universe, when the universe was much smaller and the heavens had not yet been stretched out. Had this stretching not happened, all the matter in the universe would have collapsed into a black hole. Life would not exist.

The dimensions of black holes at the center of galaxies and the dimensions of the central bulges of galaxies are positively associated with the sizes of galaxies. The standard explanation for galaxy formation says that this should not be. However, if the matter that developed galaxies and black holes was once inside exceedingly compact space, the largest galaxies should have the largest black holes and central bulges.

Black holes are the corpses of giant stars and if such a star runs out of fuel, its core subsides inward. Gravity pulls everything into a progressively violent hold. Temperatures arrive at 100 billion degrees. Atoms are shattered. Electrons are minced. Those pieces are further creased.

Big bang theory requires the equal production of matter and antimatter.  However, only small traces of antimatter - positrons and antiprotons, for example are discovered in space.

Anything atomically heavier than hydrogen and helium is considered to be a metal, including, for example, oxygen. It should be noted that Astronomers use the term metal differently as it is used in chemistry. Therefore, the first stars of the universe could have been made only from hydrogen and helium, and these stars are known as Population III stars.

All stars perceived throughout the universe contain metals, such as Population I stars, which are metal-rich, and Population II stars that are metal-poor. Population I stars which holds approximately 2-3% metals are found in the spiral arms or in the disks of galaxies. Population II stars which holds only 0.1% metal content in their light spectra, are observed around a galaxy halo, in globular clusters, and in the central bulge of a galaxy.

Furthermore, when we gaze across the universe, looking back in time close to when the Big Bang allegedly happened, the light which can be seen exhibits metal spectra.

Vera Rubin, American astronomer found no disparity in the speeds of stars farther out. She discovered that all stars in a galaxy seem to surround the center at approximately the same speed.


Dark energy is contemplated to be the bizarre force that is pulling the cosmos away at ever-amplifying speeds, but it remains invisible and mysterious. The existence of this indefinable energy, which is thought to make up 73 percent of the universe, is one of the most excitably disputed issues in cosmology.

Basic Newtonian physics implies that stars on the borders of a galaxy would orbit more gradually than stars at the center. 

This strange and undetectable mass became identified as dark matter, which is incidental because of the gravitational pull it wields on regular matter. This could be formed by unusual particles that do not interact with light or regular matter that makes it to be hardly detected. 

There is a notion that dark matter makes up 23 percent of the universe. In comparison, only 4 percent of the universe is composed of regular matter, which includes stars, planets and people.

The physics of the Big Bang avers that the only elements that the Big Bang could have generated are hydrogen, helium, and probably a trace of lithium, but no other metals.


On March 17, 2014, astronomers from the California Institute of Technology, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Stanford University, and the University of Minnesota made known their findings of signature patterns of polarized light in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), attributed to gravitational waves in the early universe. However, astronomers conveyed reduced confidence in these findings on 19 June 2014, and reported a further reduction in confidence on September 19, 2014.

The Big Bang was not literally an explosion (as others claimed) but the appearance of space everywhere in the universe. Accordingly, the universe was born as a very hot, very dense, single point in space.

Cosmologists are irresolute what occurred before this event, but with sophisticated space missions, ground-based telescopes and complicated calculations, scientists have been laboring to come up with a comprehensible image of the early universe development. Part of these origins from observations of the cosmic microwave background which contains the afterglow of light and radiation as residual of the Big Bang. This historical object of the Big Bang passes through the universe and is perceptible through microwave detectors, which allows scientists to assemble evidences of the early universe. 

The big bang theory forecasts that the universe’s inflation must be decelerating, just as a ball tossed upward must reduce its velocity as it moves away from the Earth. For decades, cosmologists attempted to gauge this deceleration. The shocking result has been rechecked in many ways. The universe’s expansion is not decelerating but accelerating

Estimates of the universe’s actual mass always fell far short of that minimum mass amount. This “missing mass” is often called dark matter, because no one could see it or even detect it.
For decades, big bang theorists assert that the quantity of mass in a swiftly inflating universe must be enough to prevent all matter from flying apart; otherwise, matter could not merge to form stars and galaxies.

Missing Mass 

Visualize seeing several rocks in outer space, moving drastically away from Earth. If the rocks were simultaneously exploded away from Earth, their masses, changing velocities, and distances from Earth would have a very precise mathematical relationship with each other. When a similar relationship is checked for billions of perceptible galaxies, an evident conclusion is that these galaxies did not explode from a common point in a gigantic “big bang.”  It is even more apparent that if such a blast happened, it must have been much, much less than billions of years ago.

The assumption that the universe is filled with at least ten times as much as can be seen  is sustained even though three decades of searching for this “missing mass” but have turned up nothing other than the findings that it does not exist.

Evolutionists try to patch up this issue in two ways by an assumption that the universe is filled with at least ten times as much matter as can be seen. 

The second assumption was that, the rocks (or, in the real problem, all particles in the universe) were for a short time, almost magically, accelerated away from a location. This process, called inflation, supposedly reached speeds billions of trillions of times quicker than lights’ velocity. In instant later, and for no obvious reason, inflation discontinued. All this occurred by an unknown, untestable phenomenon - not by a blast. Then this matter turned to be dominated by gravity after it reached just the right speed to give the universe an apparent age (based on one set of assumptions) of about 13.7 billion years. 


Accelerating Inflation

The redshift of far-off starlight suggests an inflation. However, a big bang should produce only a gradual inflation than rapid inflation observed. Stretching, ended on the creation week, could have produced the speeded inflation that is exposed by the light that has finally touched Earth from the edge of the visible universe.

Star Development. Astronomers identify that the thickest gas cloud spotted in the universe could not form stars in whatsoever manner, including gravitational collapse, unless that gas was once thousands of times more dense. Apparently, stars were developed as, or before, the heavens were stretched out. 

Central Stars. Approximately forty stars are orbiting within a few dozen light-hours of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. These stars could never have evolved that close to a black hole, which has the bulk of 4,000,000 suns. The black hole’s gravity would have stopped gas from disintegration to become a star.. However, those stars could have formed in a much denser environment, before space was stretched out on the creation week.
If spiral galaxies developed billions of years ago, their arms should be enveloped more firmly around their centers than they are. Likewise, closer galaxies should show much more “wrap” than farther spiral galaxies. Nevertheless, if space was recently stretched out, spiral galaxies could be perceptible as they do.

Heavy Elements in Stars

The stretching account clarifies that stars have had some heavier chemical elements. Telescopes that can see the farthest back in time perceive stars, galaxies, and quasars containing these heavier chemical elements.

The big bang theory claims that there are three generations of stars, each with increasing amounts of heavy elements. The first generation would have held only hydrogen and helium.   After hundreds of millions of years, second-generation stars would start developing with heavier elements made inside first-generation stars that later erupted. Although some first-generation stars should still be perceptible, not one has ever been established.

Stellar Speeds

Stars in the external sections of spiral galaxies travel much quicker than they should based on physical laws. Nevertheless, if only thousands of years ago those stars were nearer the center of their galaxies before the heavens were stretched out, they could have had the higher speeds. These speeds would stay put even after the heavens were stretched out.

Speeding Galaxies. A comparable study can be made about tight clusters of galaxies. Galaxies in clusters travel much faster than they should, based on their distances from their clusters’ centers of mass.

Distant Galaxies

Massive galaxies and galaxy clusters are now discovered at such great distances that they must have formed soon after the universe began.

The stretching explanation states that galaxies and galaxy clusters started before the heavens were stretched out, when all matter was relatively confined.

The big bang theory cannot explain how such galaxy concentrations could have developed so hastily and so distant. 

Strings of Galaxies. It is broadly recognized that gravity would not pull matter into long strings of hundreds or thousands of galaxies - even if the universe were incredibly ancient. Gravity acting over massive time and distances forms more spherical globs of matter. Yet, long, massive filaments of galaxies have been discovered.

These strings of galaxies can be comprehended if galaxies were developed when all matter in the universe was initially locked upd to a much smaller amount. (In that small amount, stars and galaxies formed either by the direct Divine Acts or by the powerful gravitational forces resulting from so much extremely confined mass.) Then, the heavens were speedily stretched out. Just as one might pull taffy into long strings, the stretched out heavens might hold long, massive strings of thousands of galaxies. A surprising number come into view connected or aligned with other galaxies or quasars, as prominent astronomers have recorded.

Star Streams. 
 Some stars within the Milky Way Galaxy are moving in paths and with velocities that exhibit they were captured from neighboring dwarf galaxies. The stars in every stream have common chemical characteristics too. These dwarf galaxies mostly have been totally “consumed” by the galaxy. However, one of them, Sagittarius, is still perceptible, but its orbit and its core of tightly packed stars are too far-off to be captured by the Milky Way’s gravity.

These can be enlightened in two ways: (1) before the universe was stretched out, Sagittarius and the consumed dwarfs were formed but much closer to the initial Milky Way Galaxy, or (2) dark matter (if it exists at all) was spread out in unknown process that formed these dwarf galaxies and placed them in different orbits that allowed them to be captured and disassembled by the Milky Way Galaxy. Between the two, hypothesis (1) is the uncomplicated.

Dwarf Galaxies. These are occasionally embedded in a smoothly rotating disk of hydrogen gas that is much larger than the galaxy itself. The mass, hidden or otherwise, of each dwarf galaxy and its surrounding gas is insufficient to pull the gas into its disk shape, however, if this matter was once extremely concentrated and the space it occupied was recently stretched out, all perceived characteristics would be explained.  

Dwarf Galaxy. An enormous hydrogen disk (blue) encloses the dwarf galaxy UGC 5288 (bright white). This secluded galaxy, 16 million light-years from earth, holds about 100,000 stars and is 1/25 the diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy, which has at least 100,000,000,000 stars. The dwarf’s mass is about 30 times too small to gravitationally hold onto the most far-flung hydrogen gas, so gravity could not have pulled the far-off hydrogen gas into its disk. Because the gas is too uniformly distributed and rotates so smoothly, it was not expelled from the galaxy or pulled out by a close encounter with another galaxy. 

Hydrogen gas would have assumed this form (as illustrated in the image above) if space was once more dense and was stretched out after. Before the stretching, gravitational forces would have been much more dominant, thereby creating this smooth rotational precedent. This would have happened recently, because the gaseous disk has not dispersed into the vacuum of space. (The galaxy is perceived in visible light while the hydrogen disk is by a fleet of 27 radio telescopes.)

Colliding Galaxies. Some galaxies hold two diverse rotating systems, as if a galaxy rotating one way collided with another rotating the opposite manner. Based on the velocities of galaxies perceived and their separation distances today, such union would take billions of years.

This means that the universe is not billions of years old. Before the heavens were stretched out, galaxies would have been nearer to each other, resulting in much larger velocities and regular collisions. Today according to astronomers’ calculations, galaxies are stretched too distant apart so collisions should rarely happen. However, past galactic unions are surprisingly common.

The mergings of some galaxies did not occur billions of years ago because the different rotations within a merged galaxy have not homogenized by now. 

With all the above-mentioned rationalization from the astronomers' expertise and findings provides major implication that, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."(Genesis 1:1) The Bible starts with these fervent words. The profession of faith takes them up when it professes that God the Father almighty is "Creator of heaven and earth" (Apostles' Creed), "of all that is, seen and unseen" (Nicene Creed). The church teaches to speak first of the Creator, then of creation and finally of the fall into sin from which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, descended to save humanity to restore its goodness.

Creation is the groundwork of "all God's plan of salvation," the "starting point of the salvation history" that ends in Christ. On the other hand, the mystery of Christ sheds irrefutable light on the mystery of creation and exposes the end for which "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth": from the beginning, God visualized the glory of the new creation in Christ. (Romans 8:18-23) 

If noticed on the readings of the Easter Vigil, the celebration of the new creation in Christ, start with the creation account; also in the Byzantine liturgy, the account of creation constantly comprises the first reading at the vigils of the great feasts of the Lord. Based on ancient witnesses the instruction of catechumens for Baptism abide to the same line up.

Creation is the foundations of human and Christian life: for it makes clear the response of the Christian faith to the basic question that men of all times ask about the origin of everything both visible and invisible and his/her destiny. The questions about the origin and the end are inseparable. They are significant for the meaning and direction of human’s life and actions.

The origins of the world and of man has been the object of many scientific studies which have marvelously nourished our knowledge of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life-forms and man’s appearance. These discoveries admire us all the more for the greatness of the Creator which stimulates us to thank Him for all His works and for the understanding and wisdom He bestow to scholars and researchers. With Solomon they can say: " For he gave me sound knowledge of existing things, that I might know the organization of the universe and the force of its elements, The beginning and the end and the midpoint of times, the changes in the sun's course and the variations of the seasons. Cycles of years, positions of the stars, natures of animals, tempers of beasts, Powers of the winds and thoughts of men, uses of plants and virtues of roots - Such things as are hidden I learned and such as are plain; for Wisdom, the artificer of all, taught me. For in her is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique, Manifold, subtle, agile, clear, unstained, certain, Not baneful, loving the good, keen, unhampered, beneficent (Wisdom 7:17-22).

Is the universe dominated by chance, blind destiny, unknown need, or by an awe-inspiring, all-knowing and good Being called "God"? If the world does come from God's wisdom and righteousness, why is there evil? Where does it origin? Who is accountable for it? Is there any deliverance from this?


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