



Sunday, July 10, 2016

Commentary on President Duterte’s speech on the 69th Philippine Airforce Anniversary

In a report, Senator Panfilo Lacson[1] said he received information months ago from former subordinates in the defunct Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Task Force (PAOCTF) on two of the five police generals who were named by President Rodrigo for allegedly being involved in drugs. The five generals are former Philippine National Police (PNP) deputy director general Marcelo Garbo, Jr.; Vicente Loot, Bernardo Diaz, Edgardo Tinio, Joel Pagdilao)

At the time, PAOCTF was seriously engaged in anti-drug operations in their area of responsibility.  The senator refused to identify the two police generals as he has not yet verified the information divulged by the President.

Lacson though said that the commander-in-chief more than anybody in this country is in the best position to have access to all these vital and sensitive information and reason to doubt or question its validity. He added that since the President himself mentioned those two names among the five, he must have good basis in what he divulged especially if he had a different source of that information.

If Lacson during his term at PAOCTF had been fed by his subordinates about the allegation on the involvement of these two general (which were included in the list of five), before he left the position, at least this knowledge  would have reached some of the agencies as this is a very sensitive case. 

On the other hand, the generals denied the Duterte’s allegations,[2][3] saying they're willing to be investigated to ascertain their incorruptibility.

If Duterte’s assertion is true, obviously the government’s intelligence did not do something about it because for many years (PAOCTF was created in July 1998)

While these generals face a hot seat, there were several reactions about this public disclosure of the president. 

Senator Gregorio Honasan II for example said the police officials named by the president should not be subjected to trial by publicity as it is not fair to the children and the family who are innocent, and that investigation on the allegation should begin right away. 

Senator Vicente Sotto III meanwhile had faith that Duterte must have A1 information to make a brave step of disclosing the names of the generals. If this is verifiable then Honasan should also look at the family of these pushers whose loved ones’ lives were ended by bullets.  The generals’ family may have a lot of questions about involving their fathers in this controversy which brought them to embarrassment while the pushers’ family mourns so much for lives that can’t be returned to life anymore.   

Senator Juan Edgardo Angara said the matter should be looked into because the view of having high-ranking police officials in close association with the drug trade is really a terrible and scary scene.  He said that they have been filing a bill called the Magna Carta for PNP which provides bigger allowances and benefits for the policemen, for them to resist possible temptations provided by illegal syndicates.

Angara’s initiative would be more appreciated if he also includes these pushers in the plans of providing a quality life.  At least these generals receive a sure monthly income and perhaps being provided with housing but these pushers resort to such an incredibly compromising job because of struggling for a meal, without any other options to choose from.  It may be quick for others to judge by saying “Can’t they find any other alternative for their livelihood” because they’re not on their shoes whose stomachs ache because of hunger.  Personally, I can relate on this, because when I lost my job and no one to turn to because of distant parents and relatives that could not be asked for help, I resorted to trading my flesh in exchange of penny  so I could buy a meal.  I did that not because of preferring it than the honourable job but because it was the immediate solution that emerged than to forget hunger by sleeping with an aching stomach.       

Senator Aquilino Pimentel III, Duterte's for his part spoke well of this act of the President. It’s undeniable that this act of the President is worthy of an affirmation but this will remain superficial if without providing a solution to its main thing – the poor who are the victims here. At least, by this time (since this issue on drugs has been there for a long time) they should have already conceptualized alternatives on how to rescue them than threatening them. 

For long years, since the primitive years up to this generation, that the government has been the wooden beam to the poor’s eye, any government leader has no right to threaten these poor because first and foremost they would not be placed in this terrible plight if the law enforcers (the government leaders in general) have been conscientious on their sworn duties both in justice system and economic provisions.    

Now, that the president speaks highly of discipline and disciplined governance, this is the time to correct the horrendous leaderships of the past to return these poor to where God wants them to be placed.  The Lord denounces haughtiness that comes not only from wealth (Isaiah 2:6-22; Isaiah 3:16-24) but also from power (Isaiah 14:5-21; Isaiah 37:22-29; Hebrew 2:6-13). 

God bids for a just law as the Scripture says: Woe to those who enact unjust statues and who write oppressive decrees, depriving the needy of judgment and robbing my people’s poor of their rights, making widows their plunder, and orphans their prey. (Isaiah10:1-2). 

Caution:  For your listening pleasure, without disruption from the web’s music, please click the YOU TUBE button to watch the video outside of the web .

[1] Lacson says he had info on two of five PNP generals named by Duterte, July 5, 2016 6:37pm,

[2] Pia Ranada, Duterte names alleged police generals in drug trade

[3] Amita Legaspi, GMA News,Lacson says he had info on two of five PNP generals named by Duterte, Published 2016-07-05 18:37:27

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