



Saturday, September 24, 2016

Badmouthing: A bunch of anti-social trait that characterizes a scheming and brow-beating social strategy

James 1:26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, his religion is vain.

It's noticeable nowadays that both educated and educated, religious and non-religious are represented by someone who badmouths, who says something foul about nearly everyone at the office, the member of extended family, who affronts everyone regardless of kinship, or a fellow in one’s local community who takes advantage on every opportunity to share how dim-witted, clumsy, and two-faced is someone else’s persona.

Bad-mouthers have teeth, which is evident even to the Philippine president who has been known with this type, whose mouth could hardly be tamed despite his education and old age, from cussing President Obama [1], (resulting hundreds of millions in foreign funds to flee Philippines stock market);[2] giving middle finger to European Union after the latter’s criticism on drug war[3]to cursing Pope Francis over traffic during his visit[4]

As members of a social class that so powerfully regard trust, amicability, and mutual unselfishness , it makes one marvels: How do these people exit  with it? Was it the kind of formation that she/he absorbs at home or school while growing up?

The Rudimentary Components of Cussing

The socially tactical foundation of cussing is to bring others down and develop and disconcerted atmosphere. One who always casts insults on half the people in his/her workplace, it would be better for to be careful around this fellow otherwise you'll be the next victim. This behavioral vigilance that the curser develops in others empowers the latter - possibly allowing an enormous influence on how affairs operate. The curser power may basically root from fear and pressure, a social interactions tactic often framed as the Machavellian side of the Dark Triad, a bunch of anti-social traits that characterize a scheming and menacing social strategy.

Why does Cussing Occurs?

Cussing or bad-mouthing can only last if it’s effective- leading to beneficial social results for the bad-mouther. And, for better or worse, this Machiavellian behavior often does lead to success in several areas, like the worlds of mating or the workplace.

Three reasons of existence of  a bad-mouthing social strategy exists, in spite of its noticeable disagreeable quality:[5] 

  • Cursing is a lane to social power.  

Through acquiring a reputation as someone who could toss his/her own mother out of the door, a curser can gain social power through developing a frightful atmosphere. It’s communally dangerous to mess with cursers and they capitalize on this reality. 

Ephesian 4:29 No foul language should come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for needed edification, that it may impart grace to those who hear. 
  • Cursers radiate confidence, a basic spur to social triumph.

Confidence leads to triumph through a variety of life's areas, often irrespective of whether it is necessary. An approach of putting others down often goes hand-in-hand with obvious exhibits of confidence. 

Collosians 4;6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you should respond to each one. 
  • Cursers may find themselves in leadership positions. 

A cutting remark against someone as a strategy toward benefiting oneself may well progress leadership opportunities- which develops the bad-mouther’s power. 

1 Samuel 2:3  Speak boastfully no longer, nor let arrogance issue from your mouths. For an all-knowing God is the LORD, a God who judges deeds.

Is bad-mouthing an ultimate path to social success?

There are other routes to social success. Compassionate qualities, for instance, are reliably found to be as significant in social partners, apparent in human populations across the globe. Different shapes of pro-social behavior are foundational to who I am and who you are.

It pays to be someone who acquires social power by forming a social world of fear and intimidation, but are there other paths to social success, like building others up rather than tearing them down. No one could recall an instance that you’re feel fulfillment when somebody from your family members, colleague, or friends cusses.

Next time when conversing with the bad-mouther, think twice about authorizing her/him. Bring to mind, heart and cosncience that other-oriented or unselfish behavior is the supreme foundation that human social behavior could depend on which establishes harmony and friendliness. 


[1] Will Worley, The awkward moment Barack Obama finally met Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte

[2] Chris Blake and Clarissa Batino, Bloomberg News | September 8, 2016 11:29 AM ET, Hundreds of millions in foreign funds fleeing Philippines stock market after Duterte insulted Obama,; Ian Sayson, Rodrigo Duterte's Obama insult costs Philippines stock market hundreds of millions,

[3] Philippines' Duterte gives middle finger to European Union after criticism of drug war
Posted Wed at 4:04am,; Ted Regenciahttp, Philippines' Duterte unleashes more profanity at the EU,

[4] Pia Ranada,Duterte curses Pope Francis over traffic during his visit
(UPDATED) Could the mayor and presidential aspirant have gone too far with his jokes?, Published 8:35 PM, November 30, 2015, Updated 9:34 PM, November 30, 2015,

[5] 3 Reasons People Badmouth Others (and Succeed), Does the kinder, gentler approach work just as well?, Posted Aug 16, 2015,

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