



Saturday, January 21, 2017

A challenge to be ‘Jesus in disguise’ by starting a program than can be instruments as rehabilitation to save the lives of the drug addicts! (Page 2)

Causes of Drug Addiction

The pathways inside the brain to be altered, physical adjustments in the nerve cells are triggered by the drug. These neurons communicate with each other releasing neurotransmitters into the gaps or synapses between the nerve cells. This makes some drugs much more addictive than others.

There are several other factors that contribute to drug addiction and the major factors are one’s genetic makeup, personality and peer pressure.


If a person’s parents have addiction struggles, chances are she/he is more vulnerable to addiction. Hence, drug addiction is more common in some families than in others. If one’s parents smoke, chances are good she/he will smoke. If one’s parents used alcohol, one will probably follow and use that drug in much the same manner. If one’s father was an alcoholic, one has a tendency to addiction that drug.

One generation passes it on to the next.

Certain Personality Types

Aside from the inherited factors, some people have a personality that is more likely to become drug dependent.

People are inquisitive, so that alone can lead a person to try a drug. Humans experiment to see its result.

Humans are looking for relaxation to have pleasure.

Everyone desires to feel good, and humans by nature are impatient. Drugs provide an instant pleasure that other things do not, so for that twinkling of a time of for whatever time frame, humans feel good.

Humans want what they want.

Someone diagnosed with depression, attention deficit disorder, or hyperactivity.
There have been some anxieties in their lives perhaps. Whatever the case, these are contributing factors.

Aggression may also be a factor. Children who do not have confidence, healthy self-esteem may be prone to turning to drugs to fill emptiness.

Social Pressure/Peer Pressure

Humans are overexcited to have relationships, and occasionally those relationships cause to submit to something that she/he otherwise would avoid to preserve the relationship. Social/peer pressure is huge and nowhere is this greater than during teenage years. Children desire to be cool. It starts as a social action, to grab drugs to be a part of the group, to be accepted. It’s not just teenagers, as peer pressure takes a lot of different forms. There is social etiquette, for example, to take a drink in a party. “I’m only a social drinker.” How many times have you heard that? Other people actually believe that addiction helps to be accepted and part of the 'popular' group.


Drugs are found in shopping malls, rural schools, private school, on the job in factories, offices and remote job sites.

Race and/or Ethnicity

Drug addiction is a human problem and crosses all boundaries.


Everybody wants to feel good physically and emotionally. Occasionally drugs are the substitution for a healthy life experience. The person in pain wants to numb the pain. The drug numbs the pain and in a while they don’t feel as badly. The person needs to elude from pain of the life experience, and in an instant, the drug takes them away and feel “better.”

Severe Anxiety

From time to time, people need some help in dealing with life. Everyday life becomes a struggle and simple things become extreme to cope with. Drugs are used to handle it. In the case of addiction, the use of medication is not talked about, under the care and observation of a doctor. People who have been clinically detected with anxiety can lead a very good life. This speaks about the ones who just need to escape. Their drug of choice facilitates that escape. 

Developing a program than can be channels of re-habilitation

To all parish-based communities, everybody is challenged to be ‘Jesus in disguise’ by starting.

Here are three steps to establishing Substance Addiction Ministry team at your parish: 
  • Contact your Parish Priest for approval
  • Enlist a core group of parishioners to enter the training and formation program
  • The ministries should offer programs of “prayer, presentations and personal presence.” This format embraces the original four components of education, prevention, referral and support.
  • Each host parish facilitates monthly communal prayer — such as a Rosary for recovery, a Holy Hour for recovery, or prayers Our Lady, Undoer of Knots 
  • Quarterly presentations of an educational nature.
  • Promote personal presence by encouraging those with similar struggle to make themselves available to both the pastoral staff and fellow parishioners requiring of assistance.
  • At least people from parishes gather on a particular day of each month to pray a Rosary for recovery before the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Following the Rosary, an hour-long social gathering with open discussion or a presentation is encouraged.
  • Observing the sacraments as a key. The sacraments are an important aspect of Substance Addiction Ministry (SAM). The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated as a channel to assist healing from addiction.
  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation also adds a restorative dimension to a recovering person’s long-term progress. Through talks about addiction, it can have a reflective influence in resisting the conspiracy of silence that often perpetuates the infirmity by blocking an individual from finding cure and revitalization.
  • In this ministry, formulate a 100 percent pastoral counseling that is centered on addiction problems and 50 percent of confessions that deal with problems of alcohol and other drugs. 
The truth about any type of addiction, everyone has a different version of sufferings that confront each one’s lives, be they physical, emotional or spiritual, but each one is created in the image and likeliness of God.

As followers of Christ, everybody is called to love one another as Christ. Anyone suffering from addiction deserves everybody’s love, prayers, and support. Loving these people is loving Jesus in the distressing disguise.

Pope Francis says to the addicts: 'You are never alone'.  The good Pope says that there is beauty in the Church incorporating with what is very good in the science, counseling, therapy, the above-mentioned programs.

Offer hope, healing and reconciliation to those touched by addiction.

Concerned citizens do not have to be in recovery but need to acquaint themselves with addiction through the training. Those in recovery need to meet specific recovery requirements as well as general membership qualities.

Today everybody is called to meet the needs of those who are neglected, forgotten, brokenhearted and alone caused by drug addiction.

“What has caused more orphans, widows, people who are forgotten, broken-hearted and alone than addiction?” “What has caused more breakups of the domestic family than addiction? What has filled the prisons more than the crimes caused by the use, trade and violence attributed to alcohol and drugs?”

Many families suffer noiselessly in pain from the destruction that alcohol and drug abuse have caused and they feel that they cannot reveal their secret for fear of being judged and treated differently.

If people who are hurting start hearing the message of freedom that can be offered through sharing tips like this, they can find the promise that Jesus offers us in Luke 4:18: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free.’

“Jesus went out of His way to notice the unnoticed and bring healing and peace to the hurting and outcast”.

This write-up does not offer business of treatment, evaluation or assessment; as the maker of this piece believes in the expertise of the professionals, but since the testimonials of the different references offers hope to the dependent of illegal drugs, it’s the essayist prerogative to also share a comprehensive discovery.

Many people in these situations have detached themselves from God in the belief that they are undeserving. Through this, it’s the writer’s hope to at least assist them connect spiritually with God through this.

It is very advantageous for an individual to know they are not the only ones with a given difficulty. Meeting other family members confronted with similar dilemmas lessens a person’s sense of remoteness and embarrassment. By informal interactions with other affected, they can possibly exchange helpful coping mechanisms. Social psychological research affirms that the most convincing and powerful person is someone who has been burdened by similar struggle, but who has - at least to a degree – fruitfully found the way out.

Hope and prayer are also significant: “A praying person is an expectant person, since praying implies the likelihood of attaining the purpose of the prayer, the recovery of the substance abuser that is to say. Regardless of the intensity of the ordeal that one faces, hope is very mighty which progresses and keep an individual going.

Drug, alcohol and sexual addiction and abuse are at the root of all their problems, and one of the most significant primary issues in each culture nowadays. Some parent/s have left their children because of their addiction that is so stressful. How do you get them out of that pattern? Someone out there whether laymen or drug-related professionals should spread today to discover approaches in obtaining sense of balance to the lives of these drug addicts, recognize that they alone cannot do all that they would like to do, so it is supportive to know that there’s a lay apostolate and peer ministry that can be found both on websites and churches, that allow the laity to live out their baptismal promises.



[1] Ted Regencia, Mohsin Ali | 15 Dec 2016 14:52 GMT , Philippines: Death toll in Duterte's war on drugs,  

[2]Commonly Abused Drugs Charts, Revised April 2016,

[3] Natasha Tracy, Causes of Drug Addiction - What Causes Drug Addiction?,

[4] What are the underlying causes of drug addiction?,

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