



Saturday, August 19, 2017

Regular intake of lemon provides youthful appearance, boosts immune system and prevents weight gain

Proverbs 17:22  A joyful heart is the health of the body, but a depressed spirit dries up the bones

Sirach 30:14-16 Better a poor man strong and robust, than a rich man with wasted frame.More precious than gold is health and well-being, contentment of spirit than coral. No treasure greater than a healthy body; no happiness, than a joyful heart!.

Naturally, human physical appearance turns to be disheartened when tempted to compare with people of the same age/or even older but could remain with high self-esteem brought by conserved health, youthful appearance, and excellent physique.  The secret behind this struggle is simple -  regular ingestion of lemons.

Sirach 30{14-16 A  Better a poor man strong and robust, than a rich man with wasted frame.
More precious than gold is health and well-being, contentment of spirit than coral. No treasure greater than a healthy body; no happiness, than a joyful heart!.

Celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyonce[1] and the Hemsley sisters (Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley, English food writers and media personalities who have been closely associated with the clean eating and "wellness" movement and born to a Filipino Mom)[2] are fans of lemon water. , claiming  that it  offers morning coffee actually offer any benefits?

Here are the health benefits[3] of this morning habit drink:

Weight Loss

The polyphenols in lemon may help in reducing appetite and aid in preventing weight gain (just like drinking a glass of water especially before a meal which assists to fill stomach, offsetting the amount of food required to feel satisfied. Lemon-flavored water is also a healthy option to replace morning glass of orange juice - think of all the calories saved! To make lemon water, use whole lemons. Squeeze the juice from one lemon into 8 to 12 ounces of water. Enjoy it cold or warm.  Drink it chilled with ice if for weight loss.

Prevention from ailment

Citamin C found in citrus fruits like lemon, gives immune system a boost which prevents infection. Ingestion of highly acidic foods like lemon juice contributes to the acidic environment. Chemicals in lemon known as phytonutrients have antioxidant properties to prevent human body from disease.

Aids digestion

The citrus flavonoids in lemon assist the acid in the stomach in breaking down food, which may improve overall digestion. Warming the water seems to provide the greatest digestive benefits.  Aiding digestion is especially important as human gets older, because the amount of acid in the stomach weakens with age. According to  study, over 30 percent of men and women over age 60 had atrophic gastritis, a condition marked by little to no stomach acid. Further, adding slices of lemon and zest to the water may be acquire some of the benefits of pectin, a fiber found in the pulp and peel which improves digestion and instinctive health.

Lemon water gives you a vitamin C boost

Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. A fourth of a cup of lemon juice yields 23.6 mg of vitamin C, about a third of the recommended daily allowance for women and a fourth for men. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells against free radicals, which could even help protect again cardiovascular disease and cancer. Likewise, vitamin C prevents scurvy, a disease of weakened connective tissue that results in bleeding gums, among other symptoms. Connective tissue is also vital for wound healing.

Prevents dehydration

Hydration is not a direct benefit of the lemon properties themselves, but rather drinking flavored water which might entice to ingest more of it. Fluids in general helps in hydration, however, some individuals struggle to drink a sufficient amount of water daily simply because they find it boring or do not enjoy the taste. Adding lemon to water can enhance the taste, making it more likeable to some, assisting them to drink more and improve hydration." Unlike the old years which require to drink eight 8-ounce glasses a day, nutritionists now recognize that the amount varies which is dependent on weight, energy, and where the particular person lives. One test to make sure that one is getting enough, one’s pee should be nearly clear; one needs to drink more if it's yellow or dark, you.

Assists to be younger looking

The vitamin C in lemon juice might actually help your skin as well. The higher vitamin C intakes are associated with fewer wrinkles. Since vitamin C is a nutrient that can fight off free-radical damage, it can protect skin brought by vitamin C's effects on collagen, which helps make up the connective tissue under the skin. Moreover, the hydration from the water helps skin stay more subtle and provides a more youthful appearance.

It may help liver function

Another benefit of staying well hydrated with lemon water is helping the liver to do a better job being the body's filter. Enhancing overall hydration can help to progress the function of all organs in the body, including the liver. It may shield the liver against toxins and lessen fat in the liver, keeping against fatty liver disease. The liver is the body's natural mechanism for flushing out toxins; so although assertions of "detoxification" from lemon juice aren't unerringly verified, helping the liver to work better could benefit human body.

Increases Potassium Levels

Like bananas, lemons are a good source as well, which large amounts are primarily found in fruits and vegetables. It is an element that is essential for cell function and metabolism, transmission of nerve signals. Potassium, being an electrolyte, helps to conduct electricity throughout the body. This nerve-muscle communication helps skeletal-muscular function.

Makes More Regular Bowel Movement

Lemon-flavored water can be part of healthy way to promote regular bowel movements. Although lemon juice doesn't provide much fiber, getting in pulp and zest from the peel could help boost the fiber content.

Prevents kidney stones

Kidney stones often develop consequently by dehydration, so a lemon-water habit could help flush out kidneys and prevent these painful deposits. According to a research, some kidney stones result from precipitation of calcium salts. Acidification of the aqueous/watery environment in which this occurs is thought to lessen the possibility of precipitation, and thus prevent the formation of some stones. Hence, the acid from the lemon can help keep the stones from coming together. It increased urination as a result of drinking more fluid. Both are helpful for keeping kidney stones at bay.

Freshens breath

It may help one mouth smell tidier as the citrus in lemon water may help to reduce the growth of bacteria in the mouth. The only problem is that the acid in lemon juice could, over time, tarnish the enamel of the teeth, so drinking it through a straw to reduce exposure to them.

Metabolism Boost

Lemon water is a great addition to morning routine as it could boost metabolism, helping an individual to keep a healthy weight and be on the go. Staying hydrated and drinking ice-cold water has been shown to provide a metabolism boost according to a study. Three cups per day helps to stimulate metabolism while providing a feeling of fullness that may help to eat fewer. Drinking lemon-flavored water cold could have even more of a helpful result. Chilling it may give an even greater metabolism boost as the body needs to warm the water to body temperature in the course of digestion.


[1] Leah Hyslop, Lemon water: a healthy way to start the day or silly celeb fad?,  7:00AM BST 13 May 2015, 

[2] Sarah Rainey, How TV's new queens of healthy eating are serving up hogwash: Collagen soup. Eggs that are 'astrologically harvested' and why the Hemsley sisters don't have a shred of expertise between them, PUBLISHED: 00:13 BST, 25 May 2016 | UPDATED: 00:50 BST, 25 May 2016,

[3] Tina Donvito, 12 Insane Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water Every Morning,

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