



Sunday, December 10, 2017

Vaccination: Unavoidably unsafe yet turns to be mandatory for all school children in the Philippines

French drug-maker Sanofi Pasteur disagreed[1] with the lawmakers that its dengue vaccine may cause more severe symptoms if given to those who have not had the disease before.

On the other hand, Presidential Spokesman Harry Roque says the worst that can happen to those vaccinated with Dengvaxia with no prior dengue infection is fever and bruising, if they contract dengue at all.[2]

The Department of Health (DOH), which purchased P3.5 billion worth of the vials in early 2016, said more than 700,000 Filipino youth have been vaccinated under the government's mass immunization program. The Department said that 70,000 of them are at risk of more severe types of dengue in about two years after getting the vaccine.

DOH Asst. Secretary Lyndon Lee Suy also said there is no certainty that the 10% of Filipinos who had never experienced dengue before will get severe dengue after taking the Dengvaxia shot.

The Philippine government stopped the sale of Dengvaxia[3] this week after the company disclosed that those who have not had dengue might suffer more severe symptoms once vaccinated.

In relation to this, according to data from the Department of Health, some 1,000 people fell sick after vaccination of Dengvaxia, including 30 children who were hospitalized.

The House of Representatives will reopen its investigation on this controversy next week, while some lawmakers have asked officials from the past administration, including former President Benigno Aquino III, to explain why the government purchased the vaccine despite questions on its efficacy.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III in an interview said the people behind the now controversial dengue immunization program[4] should explain their side of the story, including Former Health Secretary Janet Garin.

According to the DOH, at least 830,000 public school students[5] were given Dengvaxia in Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Metro Manila, and Cebu province.

Dr. Eleanor A. Jara, co-convenor of Coalition for People’s Right to Health (CPRH) expressed its hostility about how Philippine Department of Health under the Aquino administration allowed the purchase the anti-dengue vaccine Dengvaxia, despite a report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) in July 2016 that said such vaccine may be ineffective or theoretically increase the risk for severe dengue illness[6] among those who are seronegative at the first time of vaccination regardless of age. Taxpayers’ money amounting to P3.5 billion ($69.54 million) was used to buy the vaccine that health experts believe could worsen disease in some patients not previously exposed to the virus.

The CPRH said that the total amount for Dengvaxia was even almost equal to the entire vaccination program of DOH in 2016. Hence, it cannot be blamed if the people raise suspicions on the possibility of some national officials profiteering from the transaction.

Sanofi ranks among the 25 biggest drug and biotech companies in the world based on revenues, profits, assets, and market value acording to Forbes in 2016. With reported sales of up to $40.5 billion in 2016, the company is expected to earn more than $1 billion each year from the Dengvaxia alone on 2018 and 2019.

Can human survive without a vaccine?

Children can be healthy and protected without vaccination.[7] Personally I never had any vaccination, because when I was a gradeschooler, I would skip the class when I noticed some health workers doing the vaccination because I was afraid of the needles.  But I’ve been healthy and far from the harm of any sickness that allegedly fought by vaccines. 

Human bodies are naturally designed to fight off foreign invaders.

All a vaccine does is to set the human’s already present white blood cells in motion. Human gets sick after taking a vaccine is because of the immune system that was already weak. Therefore they weren't able to battle against it in the first place. It's when the immune system isn't performing as it should be or is compromised. That's when humans become infected to a disease or sickness. Vaccines work to prime one’s immune system against future “attacks” by a particular disease. There are vaccines against both viral and bacterial pathogens, or disease-causing agents. When a pathogen enters the body, the immune system generates antibodies to try to fight it off. The vaccinated may or may not get sick, [8] depending on the strength of individual’s immune response and how effectively the antibodies fight off the pathogen.

From the garbage foods taken, toxic air that humans breathe,[9] chemicals put on skin that get absorbed into human bloodstream,[10] these things are what cause the immune system to weaken[11] and hence bodies can't naturally resist the illness.

Certainly, like anything, there are always exceptions. Occasionally, the disease is way too overpowering and can't be handled. But the vast majority of sickness, our bodies can naturally handle on its own, given that we are eating what our bodies require to maintain a healthy environment within ourselves. That goes from the common flu all the way to cancer.

Sickness naturally follows when not treating  our body the way we should have – not exercising,  not eating right, the air that is breathe is polluted. No wonder we woke up every morning with a stuffy nose, sore throat, and during the day we would feel fatigued and weak etc. There is always a direct correlation between how humans treat its bodies, to how our bodies treat us.  That’s why God says, our body is temple of God. 

Do you not know that your body is a temple 8 of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.



[1] ABS-CBN News, Sanofi 'denied' dengue risk due to vaccine: lawmaker, Posted at Dec 08 2017 11:11 AM | Updated as of Dec 08 2017 11:39 AM, 

[2] Pia Ranada, Don't panic over dengue vaccine, MalacaƱang tells public, Published 3:35 PM, December 04, 2017, Updated 5:24 PM, December 04, 2017

[3] Dharel Placido, ABS-CBN News, DOH forms task force to address Dengvaxia concerns, Posted at Dec 08 2017 02:08 PM

[4] Argyll Cyrus B. Geducos, Full refund from Sanofi sought DOH calls on persons behind P3.5-B Dengvaxia purchase to explain, Published December 9, 2017, 12:10 AM,

[5] TED CORDERO, GMA News, SENATE BLUE RIBBON HEARING VACC to present doctor from DOH as witness in Dengvaxia deal probe, Published December 9, 2017 2:56pm,

[6] Health coalition to Sanofi and PH gov't: Accountability Now!,
Yesterday at 1:50am  

[7] Brittney Kara, Mom Gives Compelling Reasons To Avoid Vaccination and Vaccines,

[8] Top 20 Questions about Vaccination,

[9] Air Pollution Effects,

[10] Frank Lipman, M.D., Integrative Medicine Doctor, Are You Putting These 18 Toxic Chemicals On Your Body Every Day?,

[11] Low Immune System: What are the causes?,

[12] Robert F. Kennedy Jr., The Truth About Vaccines Docu-series - Episode 1, 

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